Saturday, November 8, 2014

"So Your Hair Goes POOF" So WHAT

by Crystal Styles - Advice Blogger
Public Speaker / Journalist / Columnist / Author
Contributing Writer - Black College Today Magazine
Social Media Mgr. / Asst. Dir. of Marketing  - Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils, Aunt Jackie's Girls, Texture My Way, Organics, Kids' Organics, Africa’s Best and more.

To book Crystal for speaking engagements: Submit your request in the "Contact Crystal" form to the right of this post.


What does the word "Kitchen" mean as it relates to hair?

  "So Your Hair Goes POOF" So WHAT

Negative conversation surrounding “poofy hair”  has irked me for a looonngg time.  (Yes-I made up a word).  I mentioned this topic briefly in “Crystal’s Side Note” in Black College Today Magazine July/August Edition ‘14.  You can find the blurb in my Blog Archive to the right of this post, if you missed the article.  Anyway, why is it frustrating, for some, when your hair texture reverts back to its natural state after being heat pressed or Keratin treated? Why do women find ourselves running from the rain and humidity?  Is it not OK for your beautiful curls to reappear?  Wait--before you answer, I want to admit I too have struggled with the same hair foe…not wanting to sweat out my freshly pressed hair.  I must tell you though, over the past 4 years of transitioning into my natural, I am now a bit annoyed when my tresses are pressed TOO straight…go figure, right.  I’ve gone from wanting to keep my bone-straight relaxed look, to not wanting my hair pressed too flat.  I now enjoy the body, bounce and fullness that texture offers.


How do you feel about your hair reverting back to its natural texture after being heat pressed? Does it irritate you?  Are you frustrated? Ashamed to be out in the public?  Or, are you ok with watching your hair bounce-back to its natural volume? 

Send me a comment in the Contact Crystal form on the right.  Share the article with your college buddies, co-workers and family folks. I’d really like to hear your opinions about this topic.


Textured hair is gorgeous hair, as is chemically-straightened hair, if that is your choice.   All women should feel good about the decision to either wear your hair chemical-free, or chemically straightened.  In reality, running from humidity or fretting about sweating out your tresses is absolutely NOT just a natural woman’s worry.  Relaxed-hair women also face the dilemma of trying to maintain smooth edges and manageable kitchens

Psss..if you’re under 21 and not familiar with the terminology kitchen, send me a quick message in the Contact Form, I’ll tell ya’ all about it.  Hint: It is textured hair lingo, with a negative connotation, from back in the day.


This is a tough conversation for many folks, but it’s always a good idea to recognize the knowledge behind the know-how.  Are you consciously aware of why, for generations, many women have been, and still are, more comfortable with chemically-straightened hair or bone-straight pressed hair, even though it is completely different from the texture of hair growing from their scalp? Of course, these embraced ways stem from a trained mindset inherited from decades of folks telling women that our textured hair is not acceptable, that the images of straighter hair means better hair.


I sure hope by now, with such a dynamic of positive, natural-hair images depicting smart, highly intelligent, professional women of color, that this support helps you show off your bold locks, curls, twists and coils. You probably don’t think much about it, but the presence of beauty vloggers and bloggers online serves as strong reinforcement in support of your beautiful self!  It’s awesome and invigorating to witness young adults and school age children rockin’ their own hair—the hair that grows naturally from their scalp—women believing that their ethnic hair is absolutely just as beautiful as any other texture.


Relaxed ladies—please do not feel offended by my comments on natural hair.  This article is intended to be food for thought and evoke good topics of conversation.  It is in no way intended to be offensive toward those who choose to wear your hair chemically-relaxed.  As a matter of fact, segments of natural women have decided to return to relaxers for reasons such as: not having enough time to maintain their natural hair, discovering they are causing heat-damage by over-pressing in an effort to keep their hair straight, or feeling that tight-natural-curls just do not suit their personalities.  They tried it, but natural just wasn’t for them.  And I say—do what’s most comfortable for your own self-esteem.  At the end of the day, you must feel good about who you are as a whole woman.  


Guess What? You can tell Crystal what beauty care topics matter to you by sending her a message through the "Contact Crystal" form on

Maybe your topic will get picked for a future article. If so, your picture will be featured in the post!!